Artificial intelligence in the world of work
At the end of April, we attended the well-organised transfer event on the topic of ‘Digital assistance systems in business practice’ at the IBS Foundation’s meeting centre in Laubusch. The participants in the PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz (PAL) research project took stock of their progress and shared their knowledge.
It was a very interesting and instructive day, during which findings from the various projects were presented, results introduced and a lively exchange with other companies and scientists encouraged. The motto was: How to meet the challenges of structural change in Lusatia with AI-supported solutions.
In the morning, various presentations on topics such as data security and securing skilled labour in structural change provided the audience with an ‘aha’ experience. This was followed by a poster show with short pitches on the sub-projects and the respective solution approaches.
In between, the PAL bus, in which various assistance systems are available to try out and which is intended to bring the findings to the people of Lusatia, could be visited.
There were three workshop sessions in the afternoon. Here, we shared our experiences as a practice partner in ‘Introducing AI in SMEs’ and ‘Developing operational skills for digitalisation’ – and how this can be implemented in everyday laboratory work and knowledge transfer.
Experienced employees do not stay with a company forever. Their knowledge must therefore be passed on to successors in a reliable and uncomplicated manner, ideally with the help of digital tools, as these processes can then be made increasingly easier. The result: saving time and securing skilled labour through satisfied, competent employees.
Finally, there were discussion rounds for mutual exchange. Our conclusion: we are on the right track with the introduction of digital tools and are continuing our work to get our employees excited about them. We are convinced that it is worth looking for solutions for tomorrow. It’s great that this subsidised project is making a contribution to the success of structural change.
Das zugrundeliegende Vorhaben wird mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung unter den
Förderkennzeichen 02L19C300 – 02L19C333 gefördert. Projektlaufzeit: 01.11.2021 – 31.10.2026
Photos: Claudia Graf-Pfohl