You want to discharge your wastewater or have to dispose of soil / sludge / waste? You have to submit analyses to an authority or the special-purpose association? The discharge of your grease separator or light liquid separator is to be monitored? With us you get sampling and analysis from one source. We will be happy to help you determine what you need.
Depending on the desired scope of testing, we will examine your water samples (wastewater, groundwater, surface water) for physical parameters (e.g. pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity), inorganic and organic sum parameters (e. g. TOC, BOD, COD, AOX, lipophilic substances), anions (e.g. chloride, sulfate, nitrate), cations (e.g. ammonium), heavy metals (e.g. lead, cadmium, copper) as well as organic parameters (e.g. VOC, BTXE, PAH, hydrocarbon index). We carry out tests for biological parameters, e.g. Legionella in wastewater, for you or offer these (e.g. SARS-CoV-2 / Covid) in cooperation with partner laboratories. Whether it is self-monitoring, testing according to the Wastewater Ordinance (AbwV) or Indirect Discharger Ordinance: We are there for you.

We also offer sampling of sewage sludge (among others according to AbfKlärV / DüMV), soil as well as waste (according to LAGA PN 98) and the subsequent analysis of relevant parameters from the original sample or its eluates.
In the field of sampling we are regionally active and work for customers in the area of Saxony as well as southern Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt.