Completion of Trainee Programme

True to the quote “An investment in knowledge still yields the best interest.” by Benjamin Franklin, two of our employees have taken part in the trainee programme “Innovations-Nachwuchs für Sachsen / Transfer über Köpfe“.
What was true around 300 years ago is still relevant today. That’s why we ensure continuous training in our company.
In 2021, Anne Leidenroth and Josefine Feige therefore took part in various business games, workshops and training sessions. The focus was primarily on company-relevant topics that are often neglected during studies or training. These included, for example, the areas of innovation and technology transfer, risk management for SMEs, quality management and patents. But even the workshops on gamethinking & storytelling as well as a creativity training have become an important tool for our female employees to meet challenges in everyday business life.
In addition to the trainings, students or graduates work on a project topic in a partner company for a year in order to be able to directly apply what they have learned. For example, we were able to successfully participate in the Online Marketing Challenge, redesign our website and support the preparation for participation in the PAL “PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz” research project.
For Team Umweltanalytik and our two female employees, the trainee programme was a valuable step towards the future.